dinsdag 3 augustus 2010

Long overdue

This update is long overdue, of-course, but with stress, a job and a big lack of interest I have not found it a rewarding idea to update this blog.

So, I passed my high school in the Netherlands, which was the one point at which I personally could fail and pretty much ruin all chances of my fabled America year.
So that was great, but going to America is not that easy.

Between now and passing my finals, I have had to visit the doctor (several times), the bank and the US consulate, trying to prove my to them that I am, in order; not a danger to the national health figures of the United States of McDonalds Drivetrough, am financially stable enough to live in the nation of endless and mindless debt and loans, and finally that I am not a threat to the Government that has a constitution protecting the right of everyone to bear arms up against aforementioned goverment.
Sensible huh?

Pluspoints though, I am now slightly less mortal (vaccins reduce the amount of things I can die from), am now capable of bankrupting my parents (I get a creditcard with access to the household account) and am somewhat experienced with international diplomatic actions (hint, be prepared to wait, and never EVER bring your parents).

So, now I am all set and ready to leave for a predetermined place in about two weeks right? HECK no!

Due to iternal affairs, the sharpening of background checks for possible host family's and general insuficiant ammount of host family's almost half of the applicants going to the US have no host familly yet, I leave it upto your sense of story telling to understand to what half I belong to.

So now, my life altering journey has been postponed for two weeks, I now plan to leave the 30th, I will be so happy once I am in the damned plane.

The seventh shall be the last day on my current job as a, well a guy who does what other people rather not waste their time on, after that I will spend some time aiding the Socialist movement, I shall promote the work of the Young Socialists.

And if all goes well, THEN I will leave.

So there you go, a blog, its right here, you probably just read it, so yea, seeya.

''The attack did not succeed as well as I had hoped, no small impediment having been the loss of my right leg. ''
Peter Stuyvesant, while balancing on one leg