zondag 10 januari 2010

I got shot!

A few days ago, I got shot, its OK though, it was just a injection-shot.

yea apparently I didn't have all the needed injections yet, so Im getting some now.
Good thing we started way early, because this injection is a nasty one, it requires a injection just like it four weeks later, and after about 6 months they get lonely these shots get lonely so they need yet another amigo, and then the three of them work together to improve my body so I become immortal! except for things that are not related to their specific disease that is, well it makes me a bit less mortal, Ill take that.

Actually, that was just one of three shots I needed, the other two wherent so needy and where content whit being alone, to keep the ammount of unauthorized holes in my body to a minimum the docter decided to make a nice little cocktail of the stuff inside these drugs, so now lets pray they don't cancel eachother out or something, I assume the Doc knew what he was doing, but who can be sure?

Anyway, so I got my shots, what else happend, lets see.
Ow, I dindt get to go to Utrecht in order to have a conversation to test my conversational English!

You might think that that is nothing special and you didnt get to do that either, but for one thing, this is my blog so I decide what is special and whats not, and for another, I didn't do it, but I was supposed to.

You see, in order to go to Utrecht I need to take one boat and several trains, no I don't actually take them, Im not that strong, Id just sit in them as they take me to a predetermined point.
Anyway, as you might know, it is currently Winter on this half of the globe, and for some reason, its a hard one, the whole NL is turning into a ice-cube. This extra harsh winter has caught us with our pants down, so now we are standing in our boxershorts in this weather making our nuts freeze off, and our train system can't handle it.

So long story short, I must now go at another time, preferbly a time where I actually can leave the province.

Why Im not telling you more? Like that my Mandolin arrived and Im very exited about that? Or that Im going to school wicked early tomorrow morning? Because those things are completly unrelated to my oncoming trip to America, but I still would like to mention them, so as the dutchmen say, ''bij deze''.

anyway, blog aus.

''Those Dutchmen had hardly any imagination or fantasy, but their good taste and their scientific knowledge of composition were enormous'' -Vincent Van Gogh, famous Dutch one-eared painter